
Sunday 23 September 2012





1) How My Head Got in the Tigers Mouth

Introductory Story of my most recent peregrinations- or how I got to India. . .

2) Thieves, Scorpions, Frogs and the Nature of the Mind

Today, my house was broken into and things were stolen. I saw who did it

3) Ancient Organics Lakshmi Kamadhenu 
Organic Dairy and Creamery
Setting up an Organic Dairy and Creamery in Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu. . .

4) Mahabharata- The Play, at Srinivasa High School in Tamil Nadu 
(with movie)
I helped put on the Mahabharata at a local high school. . . 


5) The Hairy, Shitting, Dying Ape
If we look in the mirror what do we really see. . . 

6) Ignorance, Misunderstanding 
and the Trouble with Point of View 
Omens, Oracles and the problem of Inescapable Ignorance and Prejudice. . .

7) The Cow, the Crow and the American Dream 
A look at the world in terms of money and greed. . .

8) Misericords- The Return of the Repressed. 
The Misericord in Gothic Cathedrals and Carl Jung's Story of the ‘Turd’ of God
The next time you see God take a shit on his church, like Carl Jung writes in his autobiography,  he might be trying to tell you something. . .

9) Karunya Children's Home- 20th Anniversary Celebration (with movie)
I helped put on three traditional stories from the Hindu and Buddhist Traditions. . .

10) Griha Pravesh- Vedic Housewarming Ceremony
The ancient Vedic ritual of entering into a new house- performed in my living room...

11) Old Manali- Dev Bhumi or the Valley of the Gods 
The place where I live 6 months out of the year. . .

Click on the Titles of Books and articles below for Link

My very first book, from the oral tradition of India. 
It is a little known version of a tale about Hanuman 

About loss and death, it is a true story from the Pali Canon 
about a woman who comes to the Buddha with her dead child 
and asks him to bring him back to life

From the oral tradition of India- 
A story about the man who designed the Taj Mahal

An article on Ghee that I wrote for Light on Ayurveda Magazine

The four ashrams of Vedic Life

Peter Malakoff
Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, India
Old Manali, Himachal Pradesh
e-mail: petermalakoff@gmail.com

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